
Epson Stylus Pro 9880 Lever Released Lower the Paper Set Lever

I have an Epson Printer (9880 model). It is showing me the error "LEVER RELEASED LOWER THE PAPER SET LEVER" I have lowered the lever but still getting this error . Please help Thanks in advance.

  •   Mick
  • lay  1  Ans
  • lay  3 years ago
Answer - 1

Hi, If you are looking for a solution related to Epson Stylus Pro 9880 Lever Released Lower the Paper Set Lever Problems then you can visit this page.

Here you will get all possible solutions related to your question.


How to Fix Printer has Run Out Paper Error?

Epson Printer Says Out of Paper but It Isn't?

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  •   Steffan
  • lay  6 months ago