
How to Fix – HP Cartridges Locked to Another Printer?

Is there anyone who knows about how to fix – HP cartridges locked to another printer. I have no idea about that. Help me.

  •   Mick
  • lay  1  Ans
  • lay  2 years ago
Answer - 1

Fix HP Cartridges Locked to Another Printer:

It begins to sound like you've been the target of a printer firmware upgrade if your HP printer is offering you an error message including "HP cartridges locked" or another message which refers to HP cartridge safeguard. If this is the case, utilising compatible and remanufactured inks would be problematic.

A notice such as "Used or counterfeit ink cartridge detected" could also appear. In addition, you might not want to use the HP Instant Ink service because you have a problem with just a brand-new "HP Instant Ink" printer and ink cartridges.

We sympathize with your annoyance and concur that everyone has the right to decide whether or not individuals wish to use ink from other manufacturers in their printers without having their HP cartridges tied to a specific model. Not to worry, I'll demonstrate how to resolve this problem and HP Cartridges locked to another printer so that you can disregard it.

What is HP Cartridge Protection, and Why are my HP Cartridges Locked?

Whenever the following occurs, your printer displays the message "ink cartridges locked to some other printer" or HP Cartridge Protection. You were attempting to use ink cartridges that are not genuine HP ink cartridges, including the cartridge protection setting on your printer is turned on.

The chip within the original HP ink cartridges that are attempting to use was created from empty cartridges previously used in a printer with the cartridge security option activated. As a result, the cartridges are locked to the previous printer they used and cannot be used in the printer.

You recently bought an HP Instant Ink printer, but you locked the printer or ink cartridges, so you can't use the Instant Ink service.

What Causes this to Occur?

Software or firmware (permanent software incorporated into hardware components) upgrades were regularly deployed on new printer models linked to the internet. Such upgrades may modify how your printer works or, in this instance, introduce new functionality.

It's pretty likely that you have just had a printer update to activate cartridge protection or that you will have a brand-new printer with just this function currently built in if you see the phrase "HP cartridges locked" and are having this problem.

If you bought a new printer compatible with the quick ink service and selected yes when the screen prompt inquired if you wanted to utilise the service, the printer could also be locked.

When you print, if your printer formerly used HP Instant Ink, it probably makes an effort to link to the internet to keep track of the cartridges' instantaneous ink. It can be inconvenient, especially if it forces you to cancel the message a single time before printing and prohibits the printing altogether.

To remove the notice and checks, you must disable web services with HP ePrint settings. Set "HP ePrint" off, then remove web services under Settings > Web Service Settings on the printer's menu. Quick ink checks have to be avoided as a result.

  •   Steffan
  • lay  11 months ago