
How to Replace the Imaging Unit in Samsung Laser Printers?

Please let me know how to replace the imaging unit in Samsung laser printers. I am facing some issues while printing. Help me.

  •   Mick
  • lay  1  Ans
  • lay  1 year ago
Answer - 1

Replace the Imaging Unit in Samsung Laser Printers:

Turn the printer off followed by unplugging it from the wall socket prior to undertaking any type of service that calls for you to access the printer. Although the majority of the visuals only depict the single-function printer, this process works with both single-function and multifunction laser printers.

Replace the Imaging Unit in Samsung Laser Printers

Step 1: Toner cartridges can be removed by opening the front cover.

Step 2: Open the front lid of a single-function printer and take out the toner cartridge.

Step 3: Open the front cover of the multifunction printer and take out the toner cartridge.

Step 4: Following the printer groove, pull the imaging unit straight out of the device. Remove the printer's image unit.

Step 5: Align the new imaging unit with the printer groove as you install it. 

Step 6: Install the printer's new imaging unit.

Step 7: Close the front cover after inserting the toner cartridge into the printer. Close the front cover after installing the toner cartridge.

Step 8: Close the front cover after installing the toner cartridge.

  •   Keith
  • lay  11 months ago