How to Troubleshoot Canon MX922 Print Head Errors?
Troubleshoot Canon MX922 Print Head Errors:
Whenever such an error displays on your screen, try using the troubleshooting techniques that can help you fix these errors. Before we move forward with the solutions that can help you get rid of Canon MX922 print head errors, let us first get to know the reasons responsible for Canon MX922 print head not working issue.
What Causes Canon MX922 Print Head Issue?
There are multiple reasons that can cause your device to malfunction. Some of the reasons are stated below:
- Generally, this error occurs when your print head is not installed properly.
- Print head not working issue can also arise as a result of internal problems in your printing device.
- The error can also occur if your cartridge stops working properly.
- The issue may occur because the print head you are using is incompatible with the printing device.
So, these were a few reasons that can lead to print head issues in your Canon MX922 printer.
How to Fix Canon MX922 Print Head Errors?
Take a look at these solutions below to troubleshoot Canon MX922 print head errors.
Solution 1: Solve the Cartridge Problem
You may experience the print head error because the ink cartridges aren’t working properly. Carefully read out the steps below to fix this issue.
- The first thing that you need to do is to disconnect your printer from the electrical outlet. Lift the lid of your printer to open it. Carefully hold the carriage and slide it to the other side.
- Remove the print head as well as the ink tanks from your printing machine and initiate the process of cleaning.
- Dip a cotton bud in the mixture of isopropyl alcohol and lukewarm water. Now, use that cotton bud to clean the print head as well as the ink cartridges.
- Don’t miss any area of the cartridges while cleaning. Rub the cotton buds on electronic parts of the ink tanks as well.
- Continue the cleaning process until the ink stops dripping from the cartridge.
- Allow the cartridges to dry and then place them back in their original position.
- Now, connect your printer to the power source and turn it on by pressing the power button.
- Try printing a document and check whether the print head error has been fixed or not. If the problem still persists, then move on to the next solution.
Solution 2: Fix Internal Problems of Your Printer
Your device may malfunction due to the existence of internal issues in your printing machine. To eliminate this problem, carry out these steps:
- Turn on your Canon printer.
- After that, pull out the tray and lift the scanning unit. This will change the position of your print head.
- Then, lift the inner cover and take out the ink bottles.
- Now, lift the lever of print head lock and move your print head in the holder position of Canon software.
- Put the ink bottles back where they were located earlier and shut off the scanning cover.
- After following these steps, try printing a document to solve your problem.
So, these are the two solutions that you can use to fix Canon MX922 print head errors. In case your problem still doesn’t get resolved, then contact Canon printer team. The professional experts will pay you a visit and solve your problem.
Canon printer products are the most high-performing and durable printer products available in the market today. Like every other technical device, one can also encounter mechanical failures while using the Canon printer.
Nowadays, the printer error that is troubling the users the most is the print head error. This print head error is also called error code 1403. The error pops up on the screen when you try to print a document. The message may also show up because of the improper installation of the printer.
FAQ for Troubleshoot Canon MX922 Print Head Errors
Q1. Why is my Canon MX922 showing a print head error?
Ans: Your Canon MX922 print head error could be due to clogged nozzles, improper installation, or outdated firmware. Try cleaning the print head, reseating it, and updating the printer software. If the issue persists, follow our Canon MX922 troubleshooting guide for a step-by-step fix.
Q2. How do I fix a Canon Pixma MX922 print head error?
Ans: First, turn off your Canon MX922 and remove the print head. Clean it gently, reinstall it, and run a deep cleaning cycle. If that doesn’t work, reset the printer or check our Canon Pixma 922 troubleshooting guide for more solutions.