
Troubleshooting HP Printer Power Supply: A Comprehensive Guide

Please let me know that Troubleshooting HP Printer Power Supply, A Comprehensive Guide. I am facing some issues in this. Help me.

  •   Mick
  • lay  1  Ans
  • lay  1 year ago
Answer - 1

Troubleshooting HP Printer Power Supply-

The power supply is one of the most frequent problems with HP printers. However, how would one debug it?  

Let’s examine the disputed power supply in more detail first. Among HP printers, the f0v63-60012 power supply model is well favoured. Its two output voltages are 12 volts and 32 volts, and its input range is 100-240 volts. 

In order for diagnosing the power supply, a multimeter is required. A standard multimeter designed for measuring voltage will function. You don’t require one that is strong. The voltage between the three pins on the multimeter can be measured by connecting it to the power source. 

It's important to pay regard to the unit when measuring voltage. There is a 32 volt output. Twelve volts ought to be the following voltage. That being said, it is not possible to measure the voltage difference among the wire on the right and the middle pin. Far from the Twelve volts of power you're hoping for, the voltage you receive is roughly 500 millivolts, or 0.5 volts. 

This is due to the fact that an identical pin on the correct of the power supply provides both 32 as well as 12 volt outputs. Ground is represented by the middle pin, while sleep mode is indicated by the red pin, which represents the moon or crescent. 

The crescent pin must have its voltage drained through linking a 1K resistance to it in order to obtain 12 volts. 

This is a swift and dirty technique to remove the voltage, albeit it might not be the best solution. The best course of action is to use a resistor, though. 

A voltage production of roughly 13.23 volts, or almost 12 volts, should be obtained if everything is done correctly. 

In a nutshell the HP f0v63-60012 power source is operating as intended, and troubleshooting HP Printer Power Supply and it is simple if you follow the previously described procedures. Recall that in order to obtain the 12 volt output, drain the electrical voltage from the rectangle pin and remain attentive to the unit while measuring voltage.

  •   Steffan
  • lay  10 months ago