
WiFi Printing Takes Too Much Time

I have a Kodak wireless inkjet printer at home which I use for my paperwork concerning the office I work for. I have been using this printer for quite sometime and never faced much of a problem but recently from past week the printer takes too much time to print over the network. One time it almost took around 15-18 minutes to print a paper. I cannot figure out what the issue is? Is it because of my router or something else?Some help from you guys will be appreciated.

  •   Mick
  • lay  1  Ans
  • lay  4 years ago
Answer - 1

If Your Kodak Printer is Printing Slowly Then Follow These Procedures -

Close all running programs and then try this -

1. First of all, open the Program through which you are printing. For ex- Microsoft Word, Adobe Reader.

2. Choose Print and then click on Properties.

3. After this, tap on the Advanced tab and choose the plain paper from the paper type list.

If at this moment, your printer print and then stop or print slowly then you have to check the connection between your printer and computer.

Check Connection (USB/Wireless connection) -

If you are using USB connection - Make sure you are using 2.0 USB cable and the distance between your Kodak printer and computer is less than 1.8 meter. Also, check out the hub.

If you are using wireless connection -

Confirm that you know the distance between your router and printer. After this, set your printer for Optional printing by using these steps -

Step 1 : First of all, click on Start button and then point to Settings.

Step 2 : Choose “Printer and Faxes” and then search for your Kodak printer in the list.

Step 3 : Then press right click on your Kodak printer and then choose Properties.

Step 4 : After this, click on Advanced tab and then set the priority to 1.

Step 5 : Choose Spool Print Document so that programs can complete the printing process fastly.

Step 6 : Then you have to choose the option “Start printing immediately”.

Step 7 : At last, choose print spool document.

If still, you are having issues with wireless printing with Kodak printer "Why my Kodak printer is not connecting to dell laptop wirelessly?" then please revert back, Printer Technical Support forum experts help you using with some advanced techniques.

  •   Nick
  • lay  11 months ago